Vsega po malem...
Nov mesec , nova skica na blogu 52 CCT.
super chou Branka, tout en originalité, biz
Wow Branka - I love all of your cards! You've shown how verstatile the sketch is, so thank you for doing such a good job! Gill xx
Awesome set with that pretty background paper!
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Za veliko ljubiteljico gora je nastala tale samostoječa čestitka Galerija meseca marca Najlepši par. Žepek za evre skrit za gorami.
3 komentarji:
super chou Branka, tout en originalité, biz
Wow Branka - I love all of your cards! You've shown how verstatile the sketch is, so thank you for doing such a good job! Gill xx
Awesome set with that pretty background paper!
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