Vsega po malem...
Zadnja skica na blogu 52 CCT v mesecu decembru in letu 2023
c'est si charmant Branka, j'aime ces couleurs douces, biz
Branka, Both are beautiful, but I just love the top one, it just stands out in its simplicity and beauty. Smiles, Kathy
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Za veliko ljubiteljico gora je nastala tale samostoječa čestitka Galerija meseca marca Najlepši par. Žepek za evre skrit za gorami.
2 komentarja:
c'est si charmant Branka, j'aime ces couleurs douces, biz
Branka, Both are beautiful, but I just love the top one, it just stands out in its simplicity and beauty. Smiles, Kathy
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