Moj vojak izgleda tako, dodala sem mu snežinke Najlepšega para nekaj bleščic in tekočih perl.
Prijavim jih na CCT. Uživajte vikend!
Najprej sem mislila, da ne bom imela časa za nič, potem je tako naneslo, da mi je ostalo nekaj biskvita od torte in so nastali čokoladni sr...
5 komentarjev:
I love the soft blue background which really sets off your colourful soldier.
Thanks for playing along at Christmas Card Throwdown.
Such a pretty set of cards! I love how you've tied the colours together with the snowflakes. Thanks for sharing with us at the Christmas Card Throwdown.
JoooJ celo vojsko si naredila in tudi tokrat nisi ostala samo pri eni voščilnici. Bravo! Zelo so lepe in krasnega vojščaka si uporabila.
Vesela sem, da kljub težavnosti izziva ustvarjaš z nami pri Christmas Card Throwdown.
I adore these cards. Such a simple, yet elegant look. Thank you for joining us at Christmas Card Throwdown.
You are rocking the sets of Christmas cards. I think this Nutcracker set is just fabulous. Thanks so much for playing along with Christmas Card Throwdown. Deborah, DT.
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