petek, 16. junij 2017

24. teden

Še ena praznična  bleščicami, kot so rekla dekleta v teamu CCT

Nič posebnega en tak lep svetleč antracitni papir sem našla, odtisnila štampiljko in toplo embosirala s srebrnim prahom in dodala sequinčke


5 komentarjev:

AlisonC pravi ...

How many cards have you made so far? The effect of the silver on grey is very special. Another gorgeous set of cards.
Thanks for playing along at Christmas Card Throwdown.

Andreja pravi ...

Tudi tale druga serija mi je zelo všeč, predvsem zaradi barvne kombinacije :-)) Joj ti si res pridno polniš decembersko škatlo .-)
Hvala, ker se spet igraš z nami v Christmas Card Throwdown izzivu.

Lucinda pravi ...

That's such a pretty stamp, and you've made such sophisticated cards with it. The turquoise sequins really lift them too. Thank you for sharing with us at the Christmas Card Throwdown.

sweet art designs pravi ...

Very lovely card. They almost look etched into metal vs embossed. Thank you for sharing with us at 52 {Christmas} Card Throwdown - Myrna DT

Deborah Frings pravi ...

Another fantastic set of cards. I do like the way those turquoise sequins pop against the dark grey card. Really elegant cards. You must be well on your way to your Christmas stash! Thanks so much for playing along with our stash challenge at Christmas Card Throwdown. Deborah, DT.


 Trinajsti teden, trinajsta sobota, ko ustvarjam praznične voščilnice. Tokrat je na blogu 52 CCT premor, saj ima marec pet sobot ( in pet po...